“How can you help me when I’m 5000 miles away?”

We do not have to come to you or you to us in order to do your Accounting or Income Tax Preparation. Using Secure File Transfer Servers, E-mail & other amazing technology devices we can share basic documentation, Accounting data, Tax Documents, collect signatures & complete Income Tax Returns.

“What makes your firm environmentally friendly?”

There are a few things we offer when it comes to this. We reduce paper use by using electronic signatures through secure portals. We keep digital copies of all documents & returns versus boxes of paper copies. When your return is complete we provide a digital copy for your records as well. We can even easily give you additional copies if needed when kept in this format.

“What are your rates?”

We offer some services at a specific rate & some at an hourly rate. Please see our Services list for more info but
prices start at $80/hour for Accounting & $125/Tax Return, athough some services are charged at a flat rate and discounts are offered for military, teachers and referrals.

“Always Open”

Beach Gypsy Services is a flexible company and understands the world doesn’t run Monday – Friday 9-5. We may not ALWAYS answer the phone or ALWAYS respond to an e-mail right away but we strive to be available as much as possible.  We do business with people in all time zones so you can feel free to call, text or e-mail 24/7.

“How do I get started with BGS?”

There are many ways to get started, CALL, TEXT, E-mail, Contact us directly through our website or find us on  Facebook.

“What do you need to do my taxes?”

We like to start with a copy of your previous years return but this isn’t necessary. Any tax forms you receive from employers, customers, banks & etc. Email us for a more comprehensive list of tax documents and to request new client forms. 

More Questions?Email Us